The rule to grow at an accelerated speed is simple - the more value you generate for the business, the more they value you, the more indispensable you become.
For most people, the capability required to get to the next level is a complete blind spot for them. They don’t know what they don’t know.
And overtime, in their corporate journey (sometimes after making multiple mistakes) they start to develop certain key learnings, certain areas of wisdom and certain capabilities. That is when they get the jump they desire. This is the ordinary trajectory to climb the corporate ladder.
BUT wait, there is a SECRET - when you start to develop these capabilities before you are expected to, the rules start to bend for you.
Tanvi had this extreme fear of being alone. While this fear was always there (it would also make her over dependent on her partner) - this would amplify and become uncontrollable...
We helped him develop capabilities (being fluid and spontaneous, mentoring, closing business deals etc.) that are the prerequisite of getting to the leadership position
He is now a part of the leadership team.